All assignments are deemed to have been awarded, accepted and performed by Quadrum subject to Quadrum's General Terms and Conditions. No agreement will ever be concluded between the client and the person who, on the basis of any legal relationship with Quadrum, actually performs the assignment or is involved in its performance, not even if the assignment is awarded with a view to the performance by that person as referred to in Section 7:404 of the Netherlands Civil Code.
All assignments qualify as a best-efforts obligation whereby no commitment is undertaken with respect to the intended result. All assignments are accepted with the exclusion of Sections 7:404 and 7:407(2) of the Netherlands Civil Code. The final decision whether or not to take further (legal) action or make amicable settlements or whether or not to put forward a defence remains exclusively with the client. Quadrum will never accept any responsibility or liability for such decisions, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
If Quadrum engages a third party, Quadrum will not be liable for any shortcomings of this third party. The client hereby authorises Quadrum to accept any general terms and conditions (including any limitations of liability) stipulated by this third party, also for the benefit of and on behalf of the client.
Quadrum is not liable for the malfunctioning of equipment, software, data and files, registers or other items used in the performance of the assignment, without any exception.
Quadrum’s liability is at all times limited to the amount of the fee, excluding VAT, paid in connection with the performance of the assignment to which the claim relates, with a maximum of € 25,000.
Invoices must be paid within 14 days. Objections to the invoice must be made in writing to Quadrum within 14 days of the date of the invoice.
Quadrum is entitled to periodically unilaterally change the unit of time used to calculate the fee, the amount of the hourly rates, the percentage of the office expenses and the allowance for travelling expenses for both assignments already accepted and new assignments.
The legal relationship between the client and Quadrum is governed by Dutch law. In all disputes where the ordinary court is competent, these disputes will be settled by the court in Quadrum’s place of business. If a translation of Quadrum's General Terms and Conditions has been sent to the client, the Dutch text will prevail.